Hobby Wave (Outdoor Gear)
Hobbywave.gr is an internet-based retail store that specializes in technical outdoor and marine gear. They have established partnerships with top-notch outdoor brands, offering an extensive selection of products related to fishing, diving, and nautical equipment.
The core focus revolved around redefining their visual identity and overall communication, which served as the foundation for designing their new corporate logo and implementing their fresh corporate identity. The aim was to create a distinctive, modern, and easily identifiable image that would support the brand’s repositioning in the dynamic world of both analog and digital platforms.
Hobby Wave (Outdoor Gear)
Client: Hobby Wave Year: 2022 Agency / Studio: mb―design Project Type: Commission Project Status: Completed
Creative Fields: Branding, Logo Design, Conceptual Design, Communication Strategy, Graphic Design
Tools: Ai, Ps, Id
on-line portfolio
